Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Went to the gym today and didn't completely suck with food so I'm feeling good about that. I saw a girl I really don't like at the gym today, I am super glad she did not say anything to me or I would of had to lay down the law. Came home and ordered a new course it is a pre req.for the University I want to go to next year and I am going to struggle like never before with it so I am not looking forward to that -math sucks- also I am trying to bang out a 1000 word research paper but the topics are just so uninteresting that I feel like jumping out a window and onto a cactus. I just have to go buy a cactus... My brain hurts and my head might just explode, don't you hate studying things that you hate?


  1. I laughed when I read this because I am currently in a graduate program for elementary education and had to take a stupid pre-req math class (algebra/pre-calc) because I earned my undergrad degree over 10 years ago. I also HATE math and struggled through the summer class which ended June 30. But the hard work paid off and I got an A - which I never thought in a million years would happen. Keep your focus and give it your all - it will pay off (it's not unlike weight loss in that respect). You can do it!!!!

  2. Ugh to studying things I hate. Worst!

  3. I hate math too! good luck with the course.

  4. Good luck, if you need Math help just post the question on your blog and I can help. I hatewhen I see people I don't like at the gym, just ruins my daym but makes me try harder so I can look better than them.
