Friday, August 5, 2011

Hurting today!

So today I hurt, my whole body so I am only going to the gym for an hour not two, and I will get 8 hours of sleep. I am chalking the pain up to not having 8 hours of sleep lately. Trying to wake up early is hard when you can't go to bed until 1 am! Oh well I will get this right, I guess that is why I started this so early before September. Did you know individual packs of udon noodles only have 230 calories? they do, and they are made with wheat flour, wooo. So last night I made Asian kind of lol, I got a little ground turkey, savoy cabbage, green onions litttle bit of sesame oil, garlic and a bit of soy sauce. mixed it up and cooked it. Boy was it yummy. I crave Chinese food all the time but to go and get it from one of the places around here I might as well just kill myself. This was a decent substitute. Welll I will talk to you all later when I have more to say lol.


  1. Aww Grace I'm sorry! Drink plenty of water, that helps heal your muscles! I'm proud of you for going to the gym though! Right now I can't afford it but I'm saving up for a membership hopefully in October! Until then I just have an exercise bike at home!

    You're doing great! Keep up the good work :D

  2. Your homemade din sounds delish! A must try! Hopefully your body heals quickly.

  3. So sorry you're sore hon! Do you stretch good after a workout? That always helps me, holding each stretch for at least 15, if not 20 seconds.

  4. No pain, no gain. What, someone had to throw that good ol' stand-by cliche out there....
