Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Im feeling antsy.

School is in 7 days! Last night I binged and I feel really crappy about it. I won't eat hot dogs for a while because I can't seem to not eat like 700 at one time. I went to the gym yesterday and today, and I will all week baby. I can't wait for school bahhhh!


  1. Congrats on the gym! As for the hotdogs, yep, if you know it's a trigger better to not have them in the house.

  2. No more hotdogs! I would say try the turkey dogs, but even eating a billion of them won't help anyone. :) Good job going to the gym. Work it girl.

  3. hot dogs bad! gym good! thats now your new montra :)

  4. I am with Shannon. Stay away from the hot dogs. Go to the gym, go to the gym....
