Monday, January 2, 2012

New years resolutions.

Some people are player hatin’ on new years resolutions just because ( in my opinion) they fail at all the new years goals they strive for. I personally believe in goals, and why not set them once a year to start anew. I personally have accomplished alot in 2011 both big and small goals, from my health to my relationship. I think the most important thing to do at the end of the year is to reflect upon what you have accomplished, and be damn proud of your growth as an individual. I wanted to outline the things I have done this year for myself and because writing is a passion of mine I am doing it here. 
Things I accomplished in 2011:
  • Lost 30 pounds
  • started hair school
  • started  working on my last two high school credits
  • didn’t get a speeding ticket
  • cut out the poisonous people in my life, if they don’t make you feel good then tell them to fuck off.
  • started eating healthy and became a vegan (in the last week of the year) 
  •  Began to learn how to be myself in public and at parties, I have always been reserved since I gained weight and I want that to stop, if people don’t like me then I want them not to like me for who I am then to like me for what I’m not.
  • I got closer with my mom
  • created a weightloss blog and got 150 followers
  • saw my GG before she passed away, even though she couldn’t talk to me, I talked to her and I know she knew I was there
  • got my nose pierced
Those are some of the things I am happy I have accomplished. Now to make my goals for 2012
Here they are:
  • Get back to drinking 5 litres of water a day
  • stay vegan
  • Make more friends that will last
  • finish my English course to graduate high school
  • finish on the scholar list in my hair styling course
  • get more adventurous in my hair colour
  • lost at least 50 pounds
  • exercise 5-6 days a week
  • sing infront of people 
  • get into aesthetics school
  • move to a city
  • defy the norm, and prove how good I am to myself
  • run 5k
  • learn to drive standard
  • get a job hair styling 
there may be more to come but for now those are it. 


  1. You accomplished a lot in 2011, good for you! The whole getting rid of those toxic people in your life sounds like a really good place for all of us to start-especially the ones who make snide comments about you when you don't order the fries, lol.

    Have a great new year.

  2. Those are some very positive and powerful accomplishments! Congrats, I hope you blog more frequently because it's always a treat to read. Keep working towards your goals. Happy New Year! You're.Worth.It.

  3. I love how tangible your goals are and how you celebrate your 2011 accomplishments.

    Good for you <3

  4. Looks like you had many successes in 2011. Love the 'no speeding ticket' one. Happy New Year and best wishes for a super 2012.

  5. Congrats on your weight loss..

  6. I tagged you in my blog!

  7. Congratulations on everything you accomplished last year! I can't wait to start hair school but am having to put it off another semester. How are you liking it?
