Saturday, August 6, 2011

Make up day

So he did forget, and he felt really bad because he thought today (the sixth) was the fifth! Anyways we had a funeral to go to this morning than we went out for lunch, drove out to yahk and got some ice cream, played tether ball and went in the river. Not a good calorie day but it was a great day none the less.

OH and we got air conditioning! yay


  1. See there's always an explanation. Men are literally helpless. I'm lucky that my anniversary happens to fall on the most infamous day of the year...September 11th. There's reminders for a week before the actual date so if he forgets he's dead meat!

  2. Yes I toootally agree, Men would literally sit in their own filth and starve if women weren't around to give them a hand! I'm glad you enjoyed your anniversary!

  3. Oooh love the pictures! You two are SO freaking cute.

  4. As if the two of you could be any more cute together!
