Tuesday, August 9, 2011

day trip yesterday and a new strategy

So my friend and I took a trip yesterday to Nelson and I totally forgot to contact a fellow blogger who lives there! But it was so much fun! The friend I went with is Named Jess and her and I are moving in together next  August and moving to Saskatchewan, is all goes as planned that is. So her and I have decided to gluten free and dairy free. Both of those product make both of us feel sick and not healthy so we are cutting them. As sad as I am to see pasta and cheese go I am happy to feel healthy all the time. :)


  1. Corn and rice pasta are just as delicious. And the dairy alternative market has positively exploded with choices. You can do it and you will love it. :)

  2. Heeeey that fellow blogger you didnt contact was me :( hahaha. Its ok ill forgive you this time. I was working anyways.

  3. I'm not really sure what gluten and dairy are supposed to do to the body but I know some are sensitive. If you feel you are sensitive then by all means remove them for a while and see if that helps! Best of luck, keep us posted.

  4. Holy cripes - you are insane. Balls of steel but insane. Good luck! LOL

  5. So interesting that you posted this - I do not want to be Debbie Downer but I came across this article yesterday about going gluten free - and in particular what that means if you do not have celiac disease....
    Just be careful - you may want to get a proper diagnosis from your doc first.
    As for dairy free - I don't see any harm in that so good luck with trying new options for better health!!!!! (see gluten free article below - I think you may have to cut and paste - I couldn't figure out how to create an actual link in the comments section.)


  6. Hey thanks! I have read up on the positives and negatives on going gluten free, I am going to go balls deep and if I feel sick or bloated or anything that is not good after a month I will quit it.
